2K video, 23m 43sec, 2021

video stills
Suspiration, [noun]—a long deep breath or a sigh. The film is a collage of images, newsreels, bodily gestures, texts and sounds collected over four years. The structure and the score of the film are comprised of the body’s audible release of liquid and air; enmeshed utterances and ir/regular vibrations. Within the film a politician meets the echo of urine running down a bowl; a crowd is hushed; a grandmother questions a popular line; a poet testifies and a body contorts itself in pursuit of escape. suspiration is a counter/intuitive mixing of feelings as/towards facts, an experiment in the sounding out of depressive modes, breathless atmospheres and desire(s) as felt through despair, loss, and so love.
Sound Design: 皚桐 & Camara Taylor; Post-Production (Sound)
Francis Dosoo
Developed with support from Market Gallery, Glasgow as a recipient of a Studio Projects Residency 2020.
Comissioned by Calum Bayne & The Newbridge Project, Gateshead as part of slow breath with Meera Shakti Osborne & Rene Francis-McBrearty.
Winner of a Berwick Film & Media Arts Festival New Cinema Award 2021

installation view,
slow breath, The Newbridge Project, Gateshead, 2021, Photo: Matt Pickering